Year 7 & 8 Intensive Literacy
Students whose reading assessments indicate they are reading well below expected level are enrolled in four periods of literacy intervention support per week.
Intensive Literacy classes are kept small, so that students can receive the support they need. The program is very prescriptive at this level. Students focus on developing their language decoding skills. In addition, they are taught a range of strategies to improve their reading comprehension and writing skills. Student progress is monitored throughout the year through reading conferences and formal assessments.
The traits and mechanics of writing are taught through units on descriptive, narrative, procedural, expository and persuasive writing. In collaboration with the 100 Story Building Organisation, a Story Hub on the Kings Park campus was created by Copperfield College students and works as a creative space for students to focus on writing and creative risk taking.
Year 7 & 8 Accelerated Literacy
Students whose reading assessment results indicate they qualify for Accelerated Literacy complete two periods of Literacy support classes per week.
Accelerated Literacy classes are designed for Year 7 and Year 8 students with reading levels ranging from three or more years below the expected level up to at the expected level, and aim to increase student motivation and engagement in reading. Students in Accelerated Literacy classes are able to decode and gain meaning from text; however, they may lack
understanding or mastery of skills involved in the comprehension process. They may also have a limited vocabulary, and possibly struggle to read and fully understand their text books without assistance. Accelerated Literacy is designed to promote the students’ awareness of the reading process by explicitly teaching the skills involved, and to close the gap for students who are not yet reading at the expected level. Students who are reading at the expected level will focus on maintaining, building and extending their reading skills.
Students will take part in guided reading activities, undertake the CARS (Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies) and STARS (Strategies to Achieve Reading Success) Online program, and individually focus on strategies they need to further develop in order to improve their reading skills. Students in Accelerated Literacy classes also focus on: goal setting; vocabulary building; oral language development; and independent, wide reading.
Year 7 & 8 Literature
Students who qualify for Literature are those whose reading assessment results indicate they are ready to be challenged and extended further with their English skills. These classes run for two periods a week and are focused on extending students’ reading, writing and analytical skills. Students are exposed to a range of text types and themes and develop their understanding of the author’s choice and impact of language features.
Year 9 and 10 Literacy Intervention
The Year 9 and 10 Literacy Intervention Program is focused on improving students’ reading comprehension skills. At Year 9, students undertake this subject two periods a week, in lieu of LOTE. At Year 10, students complete three periods a week in lieu of an elective subject. Classes are kept small to maximise student learning.
Students in these classes systematically focus on developing positive reading habits and strategies to build reading success. Students set goals focussed on improving their reading levels. They are routinely given time to engage in independent reading and this is encouraged beyond the classroom and at home. Students are taught reading strategies to improve their reading comprehension and are given opportunities to practice and consolidate these strategies through classroom activities and online programs such as the MYON digital library and CARS (Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies) and STARS (Strategies to Achieve Reading Success) . Student progress is monitored throughout the year via reading conferences and formal assessments including the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark assessments and On Demand Reading Tests.
Students are selected on the basis of their reading tests, NAPLAN and teacher recommendations. In Year 9, the program runs over 2 periods a week for the duration of the school year. Students selected to participate in the Year 9 Literacy Program do not participate in LOTE. In Year 10, the program is semester based and runs for three periods weekly.