All students and staff are now required to wear face coverings at school.  The Victorian Government has announced that everyone in metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire must wear a face covering when they leave home from 11.59pm on Wednesday 22 July 2020. The Victorian Chief Health Officer has advised that any face covering will be acceptable – it does not need to be a surgical mask.

All students attending Copperfield College, whether for Year 11 and 12 classes or for onsite supervision, will need to wear a face covering at all times, except when eating or drinking or doing a practical class in PE (with teacher permission).  This means they are to be worn during classes, break times, in the study centre etc,  as well as when travelling to and from school.

The same applies to all teachers and education support staff, however they may elect not to wear face coverings while actually teaching.  All staff should wear face coverings in other areas of the school when not teaching (for example, in the staffroom, on yard duty, when providing first aid or taking temperatures), and when travelling to and from school.


Any visitors to the college without a mask will be unable to enter. Families dropping off students to school are asked to wear a face covering, as per the legal requirements in Victoria.

Students or staff with a medical condition – including problems with their breathing, a serious skin condition on the face, a disability or a mental health condition may be exempted but only once the condition has been discussed with your campus principal and any decision has been communicated (contact details below).

We anticipate that students will supply their own face covering, we will have only a limited supply of face coverings available at school for a period of time.  Students without a face covering may be sent home. The Department of Health and Human Services website has advice about face coverings, including:

  • different types that can be used
  • how to make your own
  • how to safely wear
  • how to safely remove.

Wearing a face covering protects those around you and also protects you personally. By all wearing face coverings whenever we are at school we minimise the risk of transmitting coronavirus and keep each other, and our community safe. Finally, while masks offer important additional protection it is essential to maintain social distancing with everyone, hand hygiene and staying to designated yard and study centre areas.


Thank you for supporting each other to get through this difficult time.


Renato Carinci: Dan Sullivan:
Lance Petherick Mary Chiodo:
Mark Nugent:

Michael Gruis: