Three campuses one family

Being a larger three-campus school, our students benefit from significant resources and facilities. The two junior campuses and one senior campus provide to teaching and learning teams that enable a more personalised approach for the benefit of every student.

Our team structure

Our team approach

While focusing on academic achievement, our student care, student support and community partnerships play an important role in ensuring our students succeed.

However, none of us live in isolation and students do not learn in isolation.

Our team approach to teaching and learning involves Home Group Teachers, Team Leaders, Campus Leaders, Literacy and Numeracy Specialists and School Psychologists, all of whom contribute to providing the support and guidance students need to grow as responsible successful individuals, capable of positively relating to fellow students, teachers, friends and the community.

Benefits for student learning

Each Junior Campus team has a separate area within the campus with home rooms and team teaching areas. Students take responsibility for establishing gardens, painting murals and working together in multi-age groups to complete special projects.

Our teachers teach more than one subject, allowing an integrated approach to the curriculum to develop and flourish. For students this means having a group of teachers whom they come to know very well, and having a sense of school identity, pride and belonging within the school community.


Delahey Senior Campus

Years eleven and twelve students at Delahey enjoy a superbly resourced environment purpose built for the education of young adults.

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Kings Park Junior Campus

The Kings Park Campus is an established, well resourced facility located in Kambalda Circuit. This campus has excellent learning and communication technologies and sporting facilities.

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Sydenham Junior Campus

Sydenham Campus opened at the beginning of 2001 and is located on the corner of Community Hub and Calder Park Drive in Sydenham. It has been recognised for its team-based organisation with individual students based in one of four purpose built team buildings.

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