Upcoming Transition Information


The Transition process from Grade 6 to Year 7 starts with your current Primary School. Generally, this process starts around Term 2. More information can be found here 

Term 2 – Primary schools distribute a Transition Information Pack to all parents and carers of Year 6 students. Secondary schools should not distribute any copies of forms.

Term 3 – You will receive notification of your child’s Year 7 placement offer from their Primary school on Wednesday 17 July 2024.

Parents/carers may start submitting written non-placement appeals to their preferred secondary school. Your child’s primary school will provide you with the relevant appeal form. Please see here for more information regarding appeals.

Secondary schools notify all parents/carers in writing of the outcome of their non-placement appeal by Tuesday 6th of August 2024.

By Wednesday 7th of August 2024, parents/carers return their Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to their child’s government primary school.

Note: If your appeal to your preferred secondary school is unsuccessful, you may lodge a further written appeal to the relevant Department of Education Regional Director.

Copperfield College will commence sending out Enrolment Packs from Thursday 18 July 2024 These will be posted in the mail and will contain all the relevant documentation that the College requires, in order to enrol your child for next year. . A “reply paid” envelope will be included, so that you can simply mail the completed forms back to us, at no cost to you, once they have been completed. Please note that you must also provide the College with the students’ ID documents, as part of the enrolment process (e.g. birth certificate, passport) This can be done either by either including a copy with the enrolment paperwork in the mail or you may submit all the documents to any of our Campus offices by Monday 9 September 2024.

Please note that parent information evenings will be held at both of our Junior Campuses as follows:

Kings Park Campus – Tuesday 12 November 2024

Sydenham Campus – Thursday 14 November 2024

All parents/carers of our 2025 Year 7 students are invited to attend this important information session, which will be held from 6-7pm. All parent information (including copies of our College Policies, Uniform information, booklist information, school contribution details, etc..) will be provided to families on this evening. If you are not able to attend, please contact the relevant campus after the event, and we can arrange for this information to be provided to you.

All government secondary schools will host a Year 7 Orientation Day (for Year 6 students) on Tuesday 10 December 2024.


Grade 6 to Year 7 Transition

At our College, we understand the challenges that come with starting at a new school. That’s why we have developed a unique 2-day transition program specifically tailored to help Year 7 students settle into their new school and embrace their role as high school students.

Recognising that the first day can be particularly stressful, we have designated a day exclusively for Year 7 students to familiarise themselves with their campus without the presence of other students. This allows them to become comfortable with the layout and atmosphere of the school before interacting with their peers.

Our transition program is carefully designed to introduce students to their new environment in a supportive and engaging manner. This includes team-building activities with fellow students and their designated home group teacher, fostering a sense of camaraderie and belonging.

Moreover, we address practical aspects of daily school life, such as understanding timetables, operating combination locks, and providing guided tours of the school premises. These elements, as reported by students in our annual program evaluations, have proven to be valuable and appreciated.

In addition to familiarising students with their surroundings, we also equip them with essential skills for thriving in a high school setting. We offer guidance on effectively using diaries, staying organised, managing time efficiently, and completing assessments. We take pride in ensuring that Year 7 students feel fully prepared for the year ahead, both academically and personally.

Throughout the Year

Information Evening: The Parent Information evenings held at the College in November provide year 6 students and their families with the opportunity to meet their home group teacher and learn more about the college.

Orientation Day: On Tuesday 10 December 2024, Grade 6 students have the opportunity to participate in an Orientation Day at Copperfield College. This special event allows them to experience a glimpse of life at our school by engaging in timetabled classes and a variety of orientation activities.

Iron Form Day: Once students have begun to settle in at Copperfield in Term 1, we host an exciting event called “Iron Form Day,” which can be likened to the Copperfield College version of the Olympics. This highly anticipated day brings out a competitive spirit among teams, including both students and teachers. It is an unforgettable experience for everyone involved and serves as a lasting memory of their time at our college.

Year 7 Camp: In May, all Year 7 students across both our Junior Campuses will have the opportunity to attend the Year 7 Camp at PGL Campaspe Downs Camp. This camp will enable students to learn our College values of collaboration with one another in their teams, as well as between the two campuses Kings Park and Sydenham, inclusiveness of one another and growth of our young people in year 7.

This is a fascinating experience that combines educational value and adventure activities together. Students can challenge themselves in a learning environment like no other! Outdoor learning provides students with a unique chance to discover thrilling new experiences and connect with the natural world.

Secondary school camps enable students to explore unique places, build interactions with their peers and further develop a broad range of skills. With so many opportunities to uncover, the students will leave PGL with a renewed sense of enthusiasm and skills!