At Copperfield College, we recognise that the emotional and physical wellbeing of students is pivotal to their success at school, as adolescents, and in their future lives. Copperfield College aims to create a safe and inclusive educational environment. It recognises, values, and builds student resilience, connectedness and wellbeing through a whole-school approach to wellbeing and dedicated student wellbeing service.
Whole-college approach to Wellbeing
Every staff member plays a vital role creating a safe and inclusive environment. The College supports the wellbeing of every student through our College team structure.
Wellbeing initiatives, programs and events are run across the college to create a positive school climate and develop students’ social and emotional skills.
Review our Child Safe and Anti-Bullying policies here.
Wellbeing Team
At Copperfield College we recognise that some students and families need additional, tailored support.
We have a dedicated Wellbeing Team comprising of two Educational and Developmental psychologists, three Mental health Practitioners, two Student Wellbeing Coordinators, a Secondary Health Promotion Nurse, a School Doctor, and Inclusive Practices Leading Teacher.
The wellbeing team provide individual counselling and advocacy for mental health and learning concerns, primarily on a self-referral basis, but also in response to parent/carer and staff referrals. Personal situations such as family breakups, relationship issues, abuse, homelessness, depression, anxiety and stress, concentration issues are examples of the sorts of things students might talk to the wellbeing team about.
Our psychologists also complete assessments (including cognitive, achievement, language, behavioural and vocational) to inform teaching practices and learning strategies, facilitating additional support as necessary.
Where suitable, our Wellbeing team members also refer to or liaise with external personnel and programs.
Inclusive Practices
Our Inclusive Practices Leading Teacher coordinates support for students on the Program for Students with Disabilities, Aboriginal students, and students in Out-of-home care.
Please contact your child’s Team Leader or the Wellbeing Team if you have any queries or concerns about your child’s wellbeing.
Useful wellbeing resources
Parenting support:
Autism support:
ADHD support:
Royal Children’s Hospital – ADHD advice
Mental Health:
Headspace & how to get a mental health care plan
Body Image & Eating Disorders:
Inside Out treatment services database
Online programs
BITE BACK – A free, self-guided online wellbeing and resilience program for young people aged 13–16 years old the Black Dog Institute. It uses a combination of fun, interactive activities, quizzes, animations and information across nine positive psychology domains including gratitude, optimism, flow, meaning, hope, mindfulness, character strengths, healthy lifestyle, and positive relationships.
BRAVE – A free, interactive online program for the prevention and treatment of childhood and adolescent anxiety, run through the University of Queensland and Beyond Blue.
MoodGym – A free, fun, interactive and evidence-based online program that helps teenagers identify and overcome problem emotions and depression and develop better coping skills for the future.
If you or someone you know is in an emergency, or immediate risk of harm to themselves or others, contact emergency services on 000.
For phone or web counselling, contact:
Kids Helpline – 1800 55 1800
Free, confidential counselling service available any time of the day or night by phone or webchat.
Beyond Blue – 1300 22 4636
Call or chat online with a counsellor at any time. Our Support Service is available 24/7.
headspace – 1800 650 890
Online and telephone support service that helps young people who don’t feel ready to attend a headspace centre or who prefer to talk about their problems via online chat, email or on the phone.