While school is operating remotely, the College Wellbeing Service is still available to students via ‘telehealth’ options.

 How will it work?

The College Wellbeing Service can offer telehealth support via phone or video conferencing using ‘Webex Meetings’ software. When making an appointment, students should indicate whether they would prefer a phone call or a video session. If a phone call is preferred, the student will be asked to provide a contact number. If a video session is preferred, the student will need to have downloaded the ‘Webex Meetings’ program, which should already be downloaded by all students for remote learning. Instructions for how to download Webex Meetings is available upon request.

Making an appointment

Students or parents can arrange an appointment by texting, calling or emailing the relevant Wellbeing staff member directly. Students should email from their school email account.

Sarah Pearson  0457 560 187 Sarah.Pearson@education.vic.gov.au
Jane Williamson 0436 446 128 jane.williamson@education.vic.gov.au

Kings Park:

Mary Scott

Jane Williamson

0419 385 496

0436 446 128





Judy Scarfe 0408 358 582 Judith.Scarfe@education.vic.gov.au


Phones and emails are checked between 8.30-4.30pm Monday to Friday during official term dates. Wellbeing staff are not available outside of these hours.

New referrals will be assessed as to whether the presenting issue and level of associated risk is appropriate to be managed remotely by the College Wellbeing Service. If the presenting issue needs more intensive management that cannot be provided by the College Wellbeing Service, a referral to a provider within the community will be suggested. This also applies if an existing client’s presentation changes to the extent that remote College Wellbeing upport is no longer sufficient or appropriate. Please note that other providers may be similarly affected by the current COVID-19 restrictions and a referral is not a guarantee that these providers will be able to see a young person.

Before a student appointment can take place, the parent/carer and student will be provided with the ‘Information and Consent for Telehealth Wellbeing Service during Remote Learning’ form to read and sign.

Resources for families

 How to talk to young people about COVID-19

Tips for coping with COVID-19 anxiety


  • Resources for coping with anxiety, meditations and podcast discussions


  • Tips from headspace


  • Home-schooling tips during sudden transition



Other helpful websites

  • Child First: Referral service that links families with community-based family services and other supports


  • Raising Children: Parenting website with tips, articles and apps


  • Free online toolkit designed to help families supporting individuals with autism


  • Minus 18: Indirect support and information for LGBTI+ youth


Online and phone counselling

 For young people


eHeadspace: Individual webchat and phone counselling & group chats lead by a headspace professional – 9am-1am/7 days 1800 650 890


Kids Helpline: Individual webchat and phone counselling – 24/7


1800 55 1800


QLife: Anonymous and free LGBTI+ phone and online counselling – 3pm-midnight/7 days 1800 184 527


Lifeline: Crisis support – 24/7


13 11 14


Safe steps: Family violence response line – 24/7 1800 015 188


For parents and carers·

Lifeline: Crisis support – 24/7



13 11 14


MensLine: Individual webchat and phone counselling for men – 24/7 1300 78 99 78


Parentline: Phone counselling and support on parenting issues for parents and cars – 8am to midnight/7 days 13 22 89


Safe steps: Family violence response line – 24/7


1800 015 188
